Friday, November 30, 2007

Could it be teething?

I need your help and comments all you moms out there! For about the last few days Rae has been super fussy. If she is awake she is pretty much crying...or spitting up. She has always been a spit up baby, but it has gone to new extremes. Also, she has had the WORST diapers! Yesterday I got a before and after picture. We will just say she has ended up in the bathtub more than she likes! I was reading that teething age is genetic, and I know that I teethed really early. What symptoms did your kids have?? Could Rae be teething at 3 months old?!?


Anonymous said...

It could be could also be a bug. Does she have a temp at all? Teething can do that though...there are teething tablets (you can get them at wal-mart, in the baby section by pacifiers/sippy cups) that work wonders! And of course tylenol. I hope she gets better!

Anonymous said...

If I add that she has not had a fever at all....?

Kami Milliron said...

Oh the joys of teething .. I don't miss it ! But yes this could be teething. Look at her gums. If they're are red and swollen then she is most likely teething. Another way to tell is if you give her something cold like ice and if she stops fussing when she sucks on it. Cold stuff will help soothe the pain of teething. This is a really, really hard phase. I don't care who you are, teething is hard ! Good luck and keep a close eye on her just to make sure it isn't a bug or anything. But the pooping, drooling and crying does sound like teething. Keep us posted and if you are at your witts end, you can bring her by and have some alone time. Douglas loves seeing her and I forgot to tell you but after lunch yesterday, all Douglas talked about was Rae's shoes ! Don't ask me why but all day he kept telling me Rae had shoes on. Go Rae !!

Kami Milliron said...

Oh and thanks for the poopie picture : )

Ashley Harris said...

I'm not sure about the pooping, but the spitting up and crying sounds a bit like acid reflux. Ethan had it and he was just miserable until we got him on medicine. I'm sure you've already talked to your doctor about her spitting up, and your doctor has probably already ruled out reflux, but just in case he/she hasn't, you might want to check that out.

Whatever it is, good luck! It's hard when your little girl is so miserable. And I LOVE the picture of her after her bath.

Kristi Kleisler said...

Ooh it does look like your having fun! lol Ya well I am glad I found your blog!!! I'll add you to mine! It will be nice to be able to keep posted on what's up with you! Miss seeing ya girl!