Monday, January 28, 2008

Gerber Baby

We started feeding Rae Gerber 1st veggies a few days ago. We can't feed them to her when she is hungry or she totally freaks out. If she is hungry I can't shovel the food in fast enough. We started with squash...and she loved it. We moved on to sweet potatoes...and she LOVES them. I am seriously considering sending her picture to Gerber and telling them to update their baby! I could look at her face on baby food jars for a few years, what about you?!?

She has also decided that she LOVES to sit in her highchair and play with her toys...the tray keeps them from sliding away! That is a feature that the couch and floor didn't come with. Ingenius!!


Kami Milliron said...

I agree, the current Gerber Baby needs to go ! Lets start a petition to make Rae the new face of Gerber : )

With Rae being in her high chair and being happy, it will allow you to get so much more done ! I love when Douglas just sits in his high chair and is happy for a while. It's like my own little personal time.

Go Rae !

Bethany M said...

Definitely a Gerber baby! She has my vote.

Deanne said...

She has my vote too. She's a doll!

Anonymous said...

How perfect would that be!! She's adorable!

Kristi Kleisler said...

She is way too cute, I think her "Brain" days are behind her, she is getting more adorable by the day.

The Curry Family said...

Gerber baby for sure! Way to go way, eat your veggies up! She's so cute!

Kristi Kleisler said...

Hey sounds great!! Let's meet at the Macayo's on Dobson and Baseline at 1 O'Clock!! Yay, I am excited!!!!

Benjamin Hunsaker said...

That looks like fun! Has she thrown food at you or spit it at you? I think that would be loads of fun. She is a total Gerber baby. I love her smile!

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